Already calculated your CO2 savings? Link it to your profile


Calculate your CO2 savings by travelling with train or bus and use your Eurail or Flixbus ticket to get discounts at Famous Hostels.
*Discounts only available for direct bookings at

select transport for current trip

kg of CO2 saved
Choose your means of transportation Please note guests will be required to show their train/bus ticket at check in
Confirm your hostel booking Only available for bookings done via or direct bookings on the hostels website
Validate your promo code

Let's Get Serious

Follow these steps to validate your saving

  1. Please note guests will be required to show their train ticket at check inEnter your Eurrail pass number
  2. Only valid for bookings done at or at the directly at the hostels website. *Bookings done on other Online Travel agencies are not eligible for the Eco-Wanderer campaign.Enter your hostel direct booking confirmation number
  3. Enter your informations and validate your saving

Do you have a previous trip not linked to your account? no problem

Invalid email, please fix it.

Invalid ticket number, please fix it.